Syl’s Gold Plated Spinner – Baetis Materials: Abdomen
- are made of either Danville nylon 6/0 thread or of stripped and dyed hackle
quills of the appropriate color. Thorax - are made of dubbing fur of the appropriate color or of
peacock herl. Spinner Spent Wings – Sylvester
Nemes method of making realistic spent spinner wings utilizes finger dubbing wax
(Orvis makes a good one) and cock, or preferably hen, hackle. Syl’s method of
splitting the hackle into a full spent spinner position by permanently
“bending” the hackle fibers into position by dividing, bunching and pulling
or stroking the fibers into position with slightly waxed thumbs and forefingers. Click the BACK button on your browser to return to the fly pattern index page. |
Copyright © 1997
- 2005 Bruce E. Harang
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
"Beaucatcher" is a service mark of Bruce E. Harang
Other trademarks referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
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Last modified:
September 30, 2005